Academic Presentations
October 2023. Invited keynote speaker. 2º Colóquio Internacional de Filosofia Prática do PPGFil-UCS, Caxias do Sul, Brazil. Keynote speakers: Alice Pinheiro Walla (McMaster University), João Carlos Brum Torres (UCS) and Frederick Neuhouser (Columbia University).
31 August – 3 September 2023. Invited speaker. APSA book roundtable on Jakob Huber's Kant’s Grounded Cosmopolitanism - Original Common Possession and the Right to Visit, Los Angeles, USA.
May 31, 2023. Invited Speaker.Research Seminar, Department of Political Science, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Talk:"Bridging the Gap: Ethical and Juridical Duties in Case of Lacking Political Institutions."
March, 16th, 2023. Invited Speaker. University of Guelph, Canada. Paper: "Bridging the Gap: Ethical and Juridical Duties in Case of Lacking Political Institutions."
October 2022. Invited Speaker. Kant & Post-Kantian German Philosophy Group Talk, University of Toronto. Paper: "Bridging the Gap: Ethical and Juridical Duties in Case of Lacking Political Institutions."
October 2022. Invited speaker, Conference "The tasks of the practical reason: Morals and Right in Kant", University of Bonn, Germany, Topic: "A Kantian Theory of Global Mobility."
September 2022. Invited speaker. 7th WINIR Conference (World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research). Session S19 on Property Theory and Roundtable RT2 — A Liberal Theory of Property: Author Meets Critics. A conversation around Hanoch Dagan's A Liberal Theory of Proprerty (Cambridge University Press, 2021)
July 2022. Invited speaker. Law and Morality in Kant. University of Göttingen, Germany. Topic: "Bridging the Gap: Ethical and Juridical Duties in Case of Lacking Political Institutions."
June 2022. Invited speaker. Kant reading group and EPLab Masterclass Series with Alice Pinheiro Walla, IFILNOVA, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal.
October 2021. Invited keynote speaker, Kant RIKEPS conference, Lisbon, Portugal. Topic: "A Kantian Theory of Global Mobility."
June 2021. Kant in Progress. University of Bayreuth, Germany. Topic: "Honeste Vive: Dignity in Kant’s Theory of Legal Obligation."
November 2020. Invited speaker. In der Schwebe: Umgang mit Unsicherheit. Kant'sche Ideen zu einem Phänomen unserer Zeit. Online Workshop, Veranstaltungen des Evangelischen Bildungswerkes Oberfranken-Mitte e.V.
November 2020. Invited Speaker, Research Seminar, Center for Ethics as Study in Human Value, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic. Paper: "Honeste Vive: Dignity in Kant's Legal Philosophy."
November 2020. Invited Speaker, Conference "The Right to Dwell on Earth. Reassessing Kant's Cosmopolitanism." University Complutense of Madrid, Spain. Topic: "A Kantian Theory of Global Mobility."
January 2020. Invited speaker, department of philosophy seminar series, University of Frankfurt.Topic: What is a Right? A Kantian account."
October 2019. Invited speaker, philosophy department seminar, University of Haifa, Israel. Topic: What is a Right? A Kantian account."
September 2019. Speaker at the conference Rights and Citizenship: Reconsidering Politics and Law in light of Contemporary Challenges 13.-14. September 2019. FU Berlin, Germany. Topic: "Towards Cosmopolitan Citizenship. A Philosophical Sketch."
July 2019. Invited speaker at the Political Theory Colloquium, Hochschule für Politik München, Technische Universität München. Paper: "What is a right? A Kantian Account."
July 2019. Invited keynote speaker. 9th BIGSAS Festival Afrikanischer und Afrikanischer-Diasporischer Literaturen 2019:“Crises and Responsibilities. kNOWledges in Academia and Arts,” Iwalewahaus, Bayreuth, Germany.
June 2019. Invited speaker at workshop on Arthur Ripstein’s forthcoming book Kant and the Law of War, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands. Paper: “Three Models of Territory. Arthur Ripstein on Territorial Rights.”
May 2019. Invited speaker at the Workshop Kant on Revolution, Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas, University of Oslo, Norway. Paper: “What is a right? A Kantian Approach.”
May 2019. Invited speaker at the Practical Philosophy Seminar, Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas, University of Oslo, Norway. Paper: "Kant and Climate Change: A Territorial Rights Approach."
May 2019. Keynote speaker at the 7th LSE-Bayreuth student conference, London School of Economics, UK. Paper: "Kant and Climate Change: A Territorial Rights Approach."
April 2019. Invited speaker at the Institutskolloquium, Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf, Germany. Paper: "Kant and Climate Change: A Territorial Rights Approach."
March 2019. Invited speaker at the seminar series of the School of Political Science, Government and International Affairs, Tel Aviv University, Israel. Paper: "Kant’s Legal Theory and Climate Change: A Territorial Rights Approach."
February 2019. Invited speaker at the Kant and Poverty conference, Ruhr Universität Bochum. Paper: “Global Poverty and Territorial Rights: A Kantian Argument for Global Redistribution”.
January 2019. Invited speaker at the Eastern division meeting of the American Philosophical Association (APA), New York City, USA. Paper: "What is a Right? A Kantian Account."
October 2018. Invited chair at the symposium Kant and Law, Cardiff University, Wales, UK.
October 2018. Invited speaker, Hart Seminar Series, Surrey Centre for Law and Philosophy, University of Surrey, UK. Topic: "What is a Right?"
July 2018. Speaker at the BSET (British Society for Ethical Theory) annual conference, University of Sheffield, UK. Paper: “Kant and the Wisdom of Oedipus.”
July 2018. Speaker. International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy Conference, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan. Paper: “What is a right?”
June 2018. Invited Speaker, Conference Moral Progress and Moral Demandingness, Munich School of Philosophy, Germany. Paper: Demandingness in Kant’s Moral Theory.
June 2018. Invited speaker at the workshop Kant and Racism, with Lucy Allais, LMU Munich.
June 2018. Invited commentator at the Sixth Annual Workshop for Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy, University of Pavia, Italy. Commentary of Kimberley Brownlee (University of Warwick), “Getting Rights out of Wrongs.”
June 2018. Invited Speaker, Workshop on Moral Demandingness, University of Southampton, UK. Paper: “Kant and the Wisdom of Oedipus.”
April 2018. Invited Speaker, Philosophie Kolloquium Bochum/Dortmund. Paper: “Academic Freedom and Censorship.”
April 2018. Invited Speaker, University of Austria, Salzburg. Paper: “A Kantian Foundation for Welfare Rights.”
23rd-24th March 2018. Invited speaker at the conference “Justice and Critical Ethics: Protecting Public Order Against Basic Rights and Civil Liberties?”, University of Siegen, Germany. Title of talk: "Academic Freedom and Censorship."
16th February 2018. Invited speaker at the Society for Women in Philosophy Germany (SWIP Germany), Berlin, Germany. Title of talk: "Kant and the Wisdom of Oedipus"
7th November 2017. Invited speaker at the Philosophy Colloquium (Prof. Monika Betzler), LMU Munich, Germany. Paper: “A Kantian Foundation for Welfare Rights.”
5th-7th October 2017. Invited speaker at the conference Kant and Global Poverty, University of Bochum, Germany. Title of talk: “Right, not Beneficence: Kantian ideas for a new understanding of Global Justice.”
6th-9th September 2017. Speaker at the European Consortium for Political Research 2017 (ECPR), panel Realism and Idealism in Kant's Political Thought (Convenors: Daniel Tourinho Peres and Alice Pinheiro Walla), section Kant on Political Change, ECPR Kantian Standing Group, University of Oslo, Norway. Paper: “Realism and Idealism in Kant's Theory of World Governance.”
31. July - 4th. August 2017. Invited speaker, public lectures at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso and Santiago de Chile, Chile.
31. August. Workshop filosofía jurídica y política kantiana, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Topic: “Common Possession of the Earth and Cosmopolitan Law.”
01. August. Public Lecture, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Topic: “A Kantian Foundation for Welfare Rights”.
02. August. Invited lecture at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago de Chile. Topic: “A Kantian Foundation for Welfare Rights”
03. August. Coloquio de Filosofía del Derecho y Derecho Penal, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Topic: “Private Property and Territorial Rights: a Kantian Alternative to Contemporary Debates.”
21. June 2017. Television talk on "Kant and Alternative Facts", ARD alpha-Campus Talks, Berlin (in German).
13th-14th June 2017. Invited Speaker at the World Government Workshop, Collegium Helveticum, Zurich, Switzerland, and Zukunftskolleg, University of Konstanz, Germany. Paper: "Realism and Idealism in Kant's Theory of Governance".
5th-6th May 2017. Speaker at the research workshop Private Property and Territorial Rights, Department of Philosophy, University of Bayreuth, Germany. Paper: "Private Property and Territorial Rights: a Kantian Alternative to Contemporary Debates."
6.-7. April 2017. Invited commentator at the Workshop Character and Responsibility, Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nueremberg, Germany.
15th November 2016. Invited Speaker at the Centre for Ethics, Law and Public Affairs, University of Warwick, UK. Paper: "The Intuition behind Welfare Rights".
29th October 2016. Invited Speaker at the Bayreuther Dialogue 2016. Title of talk: "Autonomie als Moralische Verantwortung" (in German)
24th-25th September 2016. Invited speaker at the workshop ‘Kant, Rights and the State’, Merton College, University of Oxford. Paper: "Kant's Legal Theory and Territorial Rights"
04. July 2016. Invited Speaker at Prof. Christoph Horn's Colloquium, University of Bonn, Germany. Paper: "Kant's Legal Theory and Territorial Rights."
24.-25. June, 2016. Invited speaker at the 14th ILECS (International Law and Ethics Conference Series) Borders and Frontiers – Space(s) of Life and Causes for Conflicts and Wars, University of Belgrade, Serbia. Paper: "Kant's Legal Theory and Territorial Rights."
13.-14. June 2016. Speaker and co-organiser of the conference "Happiness and Virtue", Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. Paper: requirements of rationality in Kant's Moral Theory: The Case of Beneficence."
20.-22. May 2016. Keynote speaker at the workshop Enlightenment and Secularism, Department of the History of Philosophy of the Institute of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland. Paper: "Kant on Freedom of Thought"
14.-15. May 2016. Keynote speaker at the Dublin Graduate Philosophy Conference 2016 "Kant, Metaethics and Value", Trinity College Dublin. Paper: “Kant’s Anti-Eudaimonism as an error theory of moral motivation.”
12th-13th. May 2016. Keynote speaker at the 4th Annual LSE-Bayreuth Student Philosophy Conference, Bayreuth, Germany. Paper: "Requirements of Rationality in Kant's Moral Theory: The Case of Beneficence."
26th April. Invited Speaker, Centre for the Study of Social Justice (CSSJ). Paper: "The Intuition Behind Welfare Rights."
25th April. Invited Speaker at the Nuffield Political Theory Workshop, University of Oxford. Paper: "Private Property and The Possibility of Consent."
4.-5. April 2016. Invited speaker at the Workshop Kant and World Poverty, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany. Paper: "Requirements of Rationality in Kant's Ethics: The Case of Beneficence."
17th March 2017. Invited to hold a Workshop on "Constitutivism" at Keele University within the Training School on “Ethical Approaches to Conflict Reconciliation”, organised by the Keele-Oxford-St Andrews Kantian (KOSAK) Research Centre, as part of the British Academy Newton Advanced Research Fellowship “Dealing Ethically with Conflicts Between Deep Commitments: A Dual Critical Hermeneutic Approach”, Keele University, UK, and Kocaeli University, Turkey.
05.-06. February 2016. Speaker at the Irish Philosophical Club Annual Conference 2016. Paper: Local Desire Satisfaction and Long-Term Wellbeing: Revisiting the Gout Sufferer of Kant’s Groundwork.
22.-23. October 2015. Invited Speaker at the Conference Normativity & Praxis: Moral Universalism and Non-ideal Normativity, Lodz, Poland. Paper: "Recht als Nichtideale Normativität: Reflexionen zu der Unabhängigkeitsdebatte."
21.-25. September 2015. Speaker at International Kant Congress "Nature and Freedom", University of Vienna, Austria. Paper: “Needs, Obligations and the Intuition behind Welfare Rights”.
12. August 2015. Seminar at Massay University, New Zealand, Title: Kant and Territorial Rights.
11. August 2015. Guest Lecture at Massay University, New Zealand. Lecture title: Kant and Cosmopolitanism.
10. August 2015. Guest Lecturer at Massay University, New Zealand. Lecture title: Honesty and Kantian Ethics
10-12. July 2015. Speaker at the Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association, Warwick University. Paper: “Kant’s Anti-Eudaimonism as an error theory of moral motivation.”
8.-9. June 2015. Speaker at the VI Meetings on Ethics and Political Philosophy, University of Minho, Portugal. Paper: “Needs, Obligations and the Intuition behind Welfare Rights”.
21.-23. May 2015. Speaker at the 9th annual NUSTEP conference, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, U.S. Paper: “Needs, Obligations and the Intuition behind Welfare Rights”.
09.-11. March 2015. Invited speaker, Jornadas Filosóficas de Lisboa 2015, Lisbon Portugal. Paper: “Kant e Direitos Territoriais”.
03. March 2015. Invited speaker, Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture at the Department of Philosophy, Keele University, U.K. Paper: “Kant on Territorial Rights”.
28.-30. November 2014. Chair and commentator at the Kant Festival, Keele University, U.K.
3.-6. September 2014. Chair and speaker at the General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Glasgow. Section: Kant and Kantian Constructivism in Moral and Political Philosophy. Paper: “Kant and Territorial Rights.”
28. August 2014. Short course (minicurso) on Kant’s Legal Theory, Universidade Católica de Pelotas, Brazil.
26.-27. August 2014. Invited speaker at the II Workshop Filosofia do Direito, Universidade Católica de Pelotas, Brazil. Paper: “Immanuel Kant and Social Contract Theory.”
14.-16. July 2014. Speaker at the British Society for Ethical Theory Conference (BSET), Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge. Paper: “Kant’s Moral Theory and Demandingness.”
8.-11. July 2014. Invited speaker at the research session “Political Theory and Imperfect Duties”, ECPR Research Sessions 2014, University of Essex. Paper: “Needs, Obligations and the Intuition behind Welfare Rights.”
27.-29. June 2014. Speaker at the Society for Applied Philosophy (SAP) annual conference, St. Anne’s College, Oxford. Paper: “Kant’s Moral Theory and Demandingness.”
19.-21. June 2014. Invited speaker at the 18th Berlin Roundtables on Transnationality “After the Change: 1989 and the consequences in the sciences. Did the Change of the Political World Order also Change Scientific Paradigms?” Paper: “Kant’s Theory of Peace after the Cold War”.
4.-6. June 2014. Speaker at the Royal Institute of Philosophy annual conference on Supererogation, University College Dublin. Paper: “Kant’s Moral Theory and Demandingness.”
15.-16. May 2014. Speaker at the conference “Social Contract Theory: Past, Present and Future”, University of Lisbon, Portugal. Paper: “Immanuel Kant and Social Contract Theory.”
28.-30. November 2013. Invited speaker at the workshop “Freedom and Coercion. Kant’s Legal and Political Philosophy”, University of Vienna, Austria. Paper: “Common Ownership of the Earth and Provisional Right.”
4-7. September 2013. Chair and speaker at the General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Bordeaux, France. Article: “Common Ownership of the Earth and Provisional Right” (Panel: Provisional Justice).
28.-30. August 2013. Speaker at the U.K. Kant society 2013 annual conference, Heythrop College, University of London. Article: “Local desire satisfaction versus long-term wellbeing in Kant’s Grundlegung.”
14. June 2013. Speaker at the workshop “The Limits of Duty”, University of Cambridge. Article: “Kant’s Moral Theory and Demandingness.”
20.-21. September 2012. Speaker at the international conference “Kantian Ethics and the Moral Life” University of Antwerp, Belgium. Article: “Wide Duties of Virtue and Prudence in a Footnote of the Doctrine of Virtue (VI: 433n.)”
5.-6. September 2012. Speaker at the Manchester workshops in Political Theory, Manchester Centre for Political Theory (MANCEPT), U.K. Workshop: Kant’s Doctrine of Right. Paper: “When the strictest right is the greatest wrong: Kant on fairness”
14. June 2012. Invited speaker at the workshop “Kant on Race and Barbarism,” Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany. Article: “Kant and Colonialism.”
10.-13. October 2011. Invited speaker at the international conference “Kant und das antinomische Denken”, University of Mainz, Germany. Article: “Menschliche Natur und das Recht zu Zwingen in Kants Rechtslehre.”
1.-4. September 2011. Speaker at the conference “Reading Kant” of the U.K. Kant Society at the University of St. Andrews. Article: “Wide Duties of Virtue and Prudence in a Footnote of the Doctrine of Virtue (VI: 433n.)”
29. June- 2. July 2011: invited speaker at the conference Man and Nature: from Descartes to Wollstonecraft, Bogazic University, Istanbul, Turkey. Paper: “Human Nature and the Right to Coerce in Kant’s Doctrine of Right.”
5. April 2011. Invited speaker at the institute for philosophy, Karl-Franzens University Graz, Austria. Paper: „When the strictest right is the greatest wrong: Kant on Fairness“.
29.-31. March 2011: speaker at the British Society for the History of Philosophy Conference 2011, University of Sussex, U.K. Paper: “Original Acquisition as true acquisition: Kant’s argument against Colonialism.”
26.-27. November 2010: invited speaker at the Workshop in Kant’s Ethics, Bogazic University, Istanbul, Turkey. Paper: “Happiness as a Natural Necessity.”
5.-7. November 2010: speaker at the 5th International Conference in Applied Ethics, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. Paper: “Original Acquisition as true acquisition: Kant’s argument against Colonialism.”
1.-2. October 2010: speaker at the Conference “Kant and Colonialism: Historical and Critical Perspectives”. Centre for the Study of Social Justice, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford. Paper: “Original Acquisition as true acquisition: Kant’s argument against Colonialism.”
27.-29. August 2009: speaker at the U.K. Kant Society Conference 2009 at Lancaster University, U.K. Paper: “Economic Justice and the Kantian State”.
1. May 2009: invited speaker at the One-Day Kant Conference, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge. Paper: “Morality, Society and the Good Life: a Kantian Approach”.
October 2008: Invited speaker at the Workshop "Civic Education for Peace in Divided Societies". Irmgard Coninx Foundation for Transnationality, WZB and Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. Paper: “Who's afraid of Cosmopolitan Education? Kant on Education for Peace.”
September 2008: Presentation at the 5th annual PSA workshop in Political Theory, Manchester Metropolitan University. Paper: “Economic Justice and the Kantian State.”
11.-13. July 2008: Presentation at the Graduate Session of the Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and Mind Association 2008, University of Aberdeen. Paper: “Moral Principles, Defeasibility and Practical Reasoning.”
October 2023. Invited keynote speaker. 2º Colóquio Internacional de Filosofia Prática do PPGFil-UCS, Caxias do Sul, Brazil. Keynote speakers: Alice Pinheiro Walla (McMaster University), João Carlos Brum Torres (UCS) and Frederick Neuhouser (Columbia University).
31 August – 3 September 2023. Invited speaker. APSA book roundtable on Jakob Huber's Kant’s Grounded Cosmopolitanism - Original Common Possession and the Right to Visit, Los Angeles, USA.
May 31, 2023. Invited Speaker.Research Seminar, Department of Political Science, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Talk:"Bridging the Gap: Ethical and Juridical Duties in Case of Lacking Political Institutions."
March, 16th, 2023. Invited Speaker. University of Guelph, Canada. Paper: "Bridging the Gap: Ethical and Juridical Duties in Case of Lacking Political Institutions."
October 2022. Invited Speaker. Kant & Post-Kantian German Philosophy Group Talk, University of Toronto. Paper: "Bridging the Gap: Ethical and Juridical Duties in Case of Lacking Political Institutions."
October 2022. Invited speaker, Conference "The tasks of the practical reason: Morals and Right in Kant", University of Bonn, Germany, Topic: "A Kantian Theory of Global Mobility."
September 2022. Invited speaker. 7th WINIR Conference (World Interdisciplinary Network for Institutional Research). Session S19 on Property Theory and Roundtable RT2 — A Liberal Theory of Property: Author Meets Critics. A conversation around Hanoch Dagan's A Liberal Theory of Proprerty (Cambridge University Press, 2021)
July 2022. Invited speaker. Law and Morality in Kant. University of Göttingen, Germany. Topic: "Bridging the Gap: Ethical and Juridical Duties in Case of Lacking Political Institutions."
June 2022. Invited speaker. Kant reading group and EPLab Masterclass Series with Alice Pinheiro Walla, IFILNOVA, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa, Portugal.
October 2021. Invited keynote speaker, Kant RIKEPS conference, Lisbon, Portugal. Topic: "A Kantian Theory of Global Mobility."
June 2021. Kant in Progress. University of Bayreuth, Germany. Topic: "Honeste Vive: Dignity in Kant’s Theory of Legal Obligation."
November 2020. Invited speaker. In der Schwebe: Umgang mit Unsicherheit. Kant'sche Ideen zu einem Phänomen unserer Zeit. Online Workshop, Veranstaltungen des Evangelischen Bildungswerkes Oberfranken-Mitte e.V.
November 2020. Invited Speaker, Research Seminar, Center for Ethics as Study in Human Value, University of Pardubice, Czech Republic. Paper: "Honeste Vive: Dignity in Kant's Legal Philosophy."
November 2020. Invited Speaker, Conference "The Right to Dwell on Earth. Reassessing Kant's Cosmopolitanism." University Complutense of Madrid, Spain. Topic: "A Kantian Theory of Global Mobility."
January 2020. Invited speaker, department of philosophy seminar series, University of Frankfurt.Topic: What is a Right? A Kantian account."
October 2019. Invited speaker, philosophy department seminar, University of Haifa, Israel. Topic: What is a Right? A Kantian account."
September 2019. Speaker at the conference Rights and Citizenship: Reconsidering Politics and Law in light of Contemporary Challenges 13.-14. September 2019. FU Berlin, Germany. Topic: "Towards Cosmopolitan Citizenship. A Philosophical Sketch."
July 2019. Invited speaker at the Political Theory Colloquium, Hochschule für Politik München, Technische Universität München. Paper: "What is a right? A Kantian Account."
July 2019. Invited keynote speaker. 9th BIGSAS Festival Afrikanischer und Afrikanischer-Diasporischer Literaturen 2019:“Crises and Responsibilities. kNOWledges in Academia and Arts,” Iwalewahaus, Bayreuth, Germany.
June 2019. Invited speaker at workshop on Arthur Ripstein’s forthcoming book Kant and the Law of War, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands. Paper: “Three Models of Territory. Arthur Ripstein on Territorial Rights.”
May 2019. Invited speaker at the Workshop Kant on Revolution, Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas, University of Oslo, Norway. Paper: “What is a right? A Kantian Approach.”
May 2019. Invited speaker at the Practical Philosophy Seminar, Department of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas, University of Oslo, Norway. Paper: "Kant and Climate Change: A Territorial Rights Approach."
May 2019. Keynote speaker at the 7th LSE-Bayreuth student conference, London School of Economics, UK. Paper: "Kant and Climate Change: A Territorial Rights Approach."
April 2019. Invited speaker at the Institutskolloquium, Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf, Germany. Paper: "Kant and Climate Change: A Territorial Rights Approach."
March 2019. Invited speaker at the seminar series of the School of Political Science, Government and International Affairs, Tel Aviv University, Israel. Paper: "Kant’s Legal Theory and Climate Change: A Territorial Rights Approach."
February 2019. Invited speaker at the Kant and Poverty conference, Ruhr Universität Bochum. Paper: “Global Poverty and Territorial Rights: A Kantian Argument for Global Redistribution”.
January 2019. Invited speaker at the Eastern division meeting of the American Philosophical Association (APA), New York City, USA. Paper: "What is a Right? A Kantian Account."
October 2018. Invited chair at the symposium Kant and Law, Cardiff University, Wales, UK.
October 2018. Invited speaker, Hart Seminar Series, Surrey Centre for Law and Philosophy, University of Surrey, UK. Topic: "What is a Right?"
July 2018. Speaker at the BSET (British Society for Ethical Theory) annual conference, University of Sheffield, UK. Paper: “Kant and the Wisdom of Oedipus.”
July 2018. Speaker. International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy Conference, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan. Paper: “What is a right?”
June 2018. Invited Speaker, Conference Moral Progress and Moral Demandingness, Munich School of Philosophy, Germany. Paper: Demandingness in Kant’s Moral Theory.
June 2018. Invited speaker at the workshop Kant and Racism, with Lucy Allais, LMU Munich.
June 2018. Invited commentator at the Sixth Annual Workshop for Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy, University of Pavia, Italy. Commentary of Kimberley Brownlee (University of Warwick), “Getting Rights out of Wrongs.”
June 2018. Invited Speaker, Workshop on Moral Demandingness, University of Southampton, UK. Paper: “Kant and the Wisdom of Oedipus.”
April 2018. Invited Speaker, Philosophie Kolloquium Bochum/Dortmund. Paper: “Academic Freedom and Censorship.”
April 2018. Invited Speaker, University of Austria, Salzburg. Paper: “A Kantian Foundation for Welfare Rights.”
23rd-24th March 2018. Invited speaker at the conference “Justice and Critical Ethics: Protecting Public Order Against Basic Rights and Civil Liberties?”, University of Siegen, Germany. Title of talk: "Academic Freedom and Censorship."
16th February 2018. Invited speaker at the Society for Women in Philosophy Germany (SWIP Germany), Berlin, Germany. Title of talk: "Kant and the Wisdom of Oedipus"
7th November 2017. Invited speaker at the Philosophy Colloquium (Prof. Monika Betzler), LMU Munich, Germany. Paper: “A Kantian Foundation for Welfare Rights.”
5th-7th October 2017. Invited speaker at the conference Kant and Global Poverty, University of Bochum, Germany. Title of talk: “Right, not Beneficence: Kantian ideas for a new understanding of Global Justice.”
6th-9th September 2017. Speaker at the European Consortium for Political Research 2017 (ECPR), panel Realism and Idealism in Kant's Political Thought (Convenors: Daniel Tourinho Peres and Alice Pinheiro Walla), section Kant on Political Change, ECPR Kantian Standing Group, University of Oslo, Norway. Paper: “Realism and Idealism in Kant's Theory of World Governance.”
31. July - 4th. August 2017. Invited speaker, public lectures at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso and Santiago de Chile, Chile.
31. August. Workshop filosofía jurídica y política kantiana, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Topic: “Common Possession of the Earth and Cosmopolitan Law.”
01. August. Public Lecture, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Topic: “A Kantian Foundation for Welfare Rights”.
02. August. Invited lecture at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago de Chile. Topic: “A Kantian Foundation for Welfare Rights”
03. August. Coloquio de Filosofía del Derecho y Derecho Penal, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Topic: “Private Property and Territorial Rights: a Kantian Alternative to Contemporary Debates.”
21. June 2017. Television talk on "Kant and Alternative Facts", ARD alpha-Campus Talks, Berlin (in German).
13th-14th June 2017. Invited Speaker at the World Government Workshop, Collegium Helveticum, Zurich, Switzerland, and Zukunftskolleg, University of Konstanz, Germany. Paper: "Realism and Idealism in Kant's Theory of Governance".
5th-6th May 2017. Speaker at the research workshop Private Property and Territorial Rights, Department of Philosophy, University of Bayreuth, Germany. Paper: "Private Property and Territorial Rights: a Kantian Alternative to Contemporary Debates."
6.-7. April 2017. Invited commentator at the Workshop Character and Responsibility, Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nueremberg, Germany.
15th November 2016. Invited Speaker at the Centre for Ethics, Law and Public Affairs, University of Warwick, UK. Paper: "The Intuition behind Welfare Rights".
29th October 2016. Invited Speaker at the Bayreuther Dialogue 2016. Title of talk: "Autonomie als Moralische Verantwortung" (in German)
24th-25th September 2016. Invited speaker at the workshop ‘Kant, Rights and the State’, Merton College, University of Oxford. Paper: "Kant's Legal Theory and Territorial Rights"
04. July 2016. Invited Speaker at Prof. Christoph Horn's Colloquium, University of Bonn, Germany. Paper: "Kant's Legal Theory and Territorial Rights."
24.-25. June, 2016. Invited speaker at the 14th ILECS (International Law and Ethics Conference Series) Borders and Frontiers – Space(s) of Life and Causes for Conflicts and Wars, University of Belgrade, Serbia. Paper: "Kant's Legal Theory and Territorial Rights."
13.-14. June 2016. Speaker and co-organiser of the conference "Happiness and Virtue", Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. Paper: requirements of rationality in Kant's Moral Theory: The Case of Beneficence."
20.-22. May 2016. Keynote speaker at the workshop Enlightenment and Secularism, Department of the History of Philosophy of the Institute of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland. Paper: "Kant on Freedom of Thought"
14.-15. May 2016. Keynote speaker at the Dublin Graduate Philosophy Conference 2016 "Kant, Metaethics and Value", Trinity College Dublin. Paper: “Kant’s Anti-Eudaimonism as an error theory of moral motivation.”
12th-13th. May 2016. Keynote speaker at the 4th Annual LSE-Bayreuth Student Philosophy Conference, Bayreuth, Germany. Paper: "Requirements of Rationality in Kant's Moral Theory: The Case of Beneficence."
26th April. Invited Speaker, Centre for the Study of Social Justice (CSSJ). Paper: "The Intuition Behind Welfare Rights."
25th April. Invited Speaker at the Nuffield Political Theory Workshop, University of Oxford. Paper: "Private Property and The Possibility of Consent."
4.-5. April 2016. Invited speaker at the Workshop Kant and World Poverty, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany. Paper: "Requirements of Rationality in Kant's Ethics: The Case of Beneficence."
17th March 2017. Invited to hold a Workshop on "Constitutivism" at Keele University within the Training School on “Ethical Approaches to Conflict Reconciliation”, organised by the Keele-Oxford-St Andrews Kantian (KOSAK) Research Centre, as part of the British Academy Newton Advanced Research Fellowship “Dealing Ethically with Conflicts Between Deep Commitments: A Dual Critical Hermeneutic Approach”, Keele University, UK, and Kocaeli University, Turkey.
05.-06. February 2016. Speaker at the Irish Philosophical Club Annual Conference 2016. Paper: Local Desire Satisfaction and Long-Term Wellbeing: Revisiting the Gout Sufferer of Kant’s Groundwork.
22.-23. October 2015. Invited Speaker at the Conference Normativity & Praxis: Moral Universalism and Non-ideal Normativity, Lodz, Poland. Paper: "Recht als Nichtideale Normativität: Reflexionen zu der Unabhängigkeitsdebatte."
21.-25. September 2015. Speaker at International Kant Congress "Nature and Freedom", University of Vienna, Austria. Paper: “Needs, Obligations and the Intuition behind Welfare Rights”.
12. August 2015. Seminar at Massay University, New Zealand, Title: Kant and Territorial Rights.
11. August 2015. Guest Lecture at Massay University, New Zealand. Lecture title: Kant and Cosmopolitanism.
10. August 2015. Guest Lecturer at Massay University, New Zealand. Lecture title: Honesty and Kantian Ethics
10-12. July 2015. Speaker at the Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and the Mind Association, Warwick University. Paper: “Kant’s Anti-Eudaimonism as an error theory of moral motivation.”
8.-9. June 2015. Speaker at the VI Meetings on Ethics and Political Philosophy, University of Minho, Portugal. Paper: “Needs, Obligations and the Intuition behind Welfare Rights”.
21.-23. May 2015. Speaker at the 9th annual NUSTEP conference, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, U.S. Paper: “Needs, Obligations and the Intuition behind Welfare Rights”.
09.-11. March 2015. Invited speaker, Jornadas Filosóficas de Lisboa 2015, Lisbon Portugal. Paper: “Kant e Direitos Territoriais”.
03. March 2015. Invited speaker, Royal Institute of Philosophy Lecture at the Department of Philosophy, Keele University, U.K. Paper: “Kant on Territorial Rights”.
28.-30. November 2014. Chair and commentator at the Kant Festival, Keele University, U.K.
3.-6. September 2014. Chair and speaker at the General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Glasgow. Section: Kant and Kantian Constructivism in Moral and Political Philosophy. Paper: “Kant and Territorial Rights.”
28. August 2014. Short course (minicurso) on Kant’s Legal Theory, Universidade Católica de Pelotas, Brazil.
26.-27. August 2014. Invited speaker at the II Workshop Filosofia do Direito, Universidade Católica de Pelotas, Brazil. Paper: “Immanuel Kant and Social Contract Theory.”
14.-16. July 2014. Speaker at the British Society for Ethical Theory Conference (BSET), Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge. Paper: “Kant’s Moral Theory and Demandingness.”
8.-11. July 2014. Invited speaker at the research session “Political Theory and Imperfect Duties”, ECPR Research Sessions 2014, University of Essex. Paper: “Needs, Obligations and the Intuition behind Welfare Rights.”
27.-29. June 2014. Speaker at the Society for Applied Philosophy (SAP) annual conference, St. Anne’s College, Oxford. Paper: “Kant’s Moral Theory and Demandingness.”
19.-21. June 2014. Invited speaker at the 18th Berlin Roundtables on Transnationality “After the Change: 1989 and the consequences in the sciences. Did the Change of the Political World Order also Change Scientific Paradigms?” Paper: “Kant’s Theory of Peace after the Cold War”.
4.-6. June 2014. Speaker at the Royal Institute of Philosophy annual conference on Supererogation, University College Dublin. Paper: “Kant’s Moral Theory and Demandingness.”
15.-16. May 2014. Speaker at the conference “Social Contract Theory: Past, Present and Future”, University of Lisbon, Portugal. Paper: “Immanuel Kant and Social Contract Theory.”
28.-30. November 2013. Invited speaker at the workshop “Freedom and Coercion. Kant’s Legal and Political Philosophy”, University of Vienna, Austria. Paper: “Common Ownership of the Earth and Provisional Right.”
4-7. September 2013. Chair and speaker at the General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Bordeaux, France. Article: “Common Ownership of the Earth and Provisional Right” (Panel: Provisional Justice).
28.-30. August 2013. Speaker at the U.K. Kant society 2013 annual conference, Heythrop College, University of London. Article: “Local desire satisfaction versus long-term wellbeing in Kant’s Grundlegung.”
14. June 2013. Speaker at the workshop “The Limits of Duty”, University of Cambridge. Article: “Kant’s Moral Theory and Demandingness.”
20.-21. September 2012. Speaker at the international conference “Kantian Ethics and the Moral Life” University of Antwerp, Belgium. Article: “Wide Duties of Virtue and Prudence in a Footnote of the Doctrine of Virtue (VI: 433n.)”
5.-6. September 2012. Speaker at the Manchester workshops in Political Theory, Manchester Centre for Political Theory (MANCEPT), U.K. Workshop: Kant’s Doctrine of Right. Paper: “When the strictest right is the greatest wrong: Kant on fairness”
14. June 2012. Invited speaker at the workshop “Kant on Race and Barbarism,” Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany. Article: “Kant and Colonialism.”
10.-13. October 2011. Invited speaker at the international conference “Kant und das antinomische Denken”, University of Mainz, Germany. Article: “Menschliche Natur und das Recht zu Zwingen in Kants Rechtslehre.”
1.-4. September 2011. Speaker at the conference “Reading Kant” of the U.K. Kant Society at the University of St. Andrews. Article: “Wide Duties of Virtue and Prudence in a Footnote of the Doctrine of Virtue (VI: 433n.)”
29. June- 2. July 2011: invited speaker at the conference Man and Nature: from Descartes to Wollstonecraft, Bogazic University, Istanbul, Turkey. Paper: “Human Nature and the Right to Coerce in Kant’s Doctrine of Right.”
5. April 2011. Invited speaker at the institute for philosophy, Karl-Franzens University Graz, Austria. Paper: „When the strictest right is the greatest wrong: Kant on Fairness“.
29.-31. March 2011: speaker at the British Society for the History of Philosophy Conference 2011, University of Sussex, U.K. Paper: “Original Acquisition as true acquisition: Kant’s argument against Colonialism.”
26.-27. November 2010: invited speaker at the Workshop in Kant’s Ethics, Bogazic University, Istanbul, Turkey. Paper: “Happiness as a Natural Necessity.”
5.-7. November 2010: speaker at the 5th International Conference in Applied Ethics, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. Paper: “Original Acquisition as true acquisition: Kant’s argument against Colonialism.”
1.-2. October 2010: speaker at the Conference “Kant and Colonialism: Historical and Critical Perspectives”. Centre for the Study of Social Justice, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford. Paper: “Original Acquisition as true acquisition: Kant’s argument against Colonialism.”
27.-29. August 2009: speaker at the U.K. Kant Society Conference 2009 at Lancaster University, U.K. Paper: “Economic Justice and the Kantian State”.
1. May 2009: invited speaker at the One-Day Kant Conference, Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge. Paper: “Morality, Society and the Good Life: a Kantian Approach”.
October 2008: Invited speaker at the Workshop "Civic Education for Peace in Divided Societies". Irmgard Coninx Foundation for Transnationality, WZB and Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. Paper: “Who's afraid of Cosmopolitan Education? Kant on Education for Peace.”
September 2008: Presentation at the 5th annual PSA workshop in Political Theory, Manchester Metropolitan University. Paper: “Economic Justice and the Kantian State.”
11.-13. July 2008: Presentation at the Graduate Session of the Joint Session of the Aristotelian Society and Mind Association 2008, University of Aberdeen. Paper: “Moral Principles, Defeasibility and Practical Reasoning.”